Friday, September 24, 2010

Home Makeover - er, Home STUDIO Makeover - Woolly Moose Edition!

Tinkering with my power tools last week inspired me to go for the gusto in terms of my studio.  I decided to go beyond a single ribbon organizer - a project which I scrapped (pardon the pun) - and focus my attention on remodeling my entire studio!  Wow, was this fun AND down right exhausting!! 

These first photos show the most changed corner of the room.  I removed my computer desk and built a sewing table/bookshelf to go in this corner.  I also added about 26 square feet of pegboard, onto which I piled a couple hundred rolls of ribbon, serging threads, scissors, and other sewing notions.  I LOVE my new work space!!!  :)



More AFTER shots of the entire fabric/sewing studio:

Photos of my studio transformation:


Step 1:  Remove bookshelves against wall.

Step 2:  Add two 2' x 4' pegboards.

I used two 1/2" x 2" pieces of pine running horizontally across
the top of each board and a third piece at the middle - where the
2 pegboards met - to secure the pegboards to the wall.

From the side, you can see the edge of the 3 pieces of pine.

Not exactly the first thing I would have chosen to place on my
new pegboard, but it worked for the moment.  :)

A new line of sewing notions?

My little helper couldn't wait to add his tools to mommy's new pegboard!! 
Reach for the sky, Little Bear, and hang onto your Huggies!

Let's make some shelves, Mommy!!  I can measure this for you...
Note the pocket hole jig referenced in my ribbon holder post. 
It came in very handy for this project, too!!

It was getting late and I didn't want to disturb the neighbors,
so I assembled the pieces that I had cut earlier in the day (with my
Ryobi compound miter saw) in my laundry room area.  
A little unconventional, but it worked okay.  I just used an 
old towel to protect the floor and the wood as I worked each piece.  

First shelf almost done - let's make sure it's square!

Two shelves and a 2' x 4'  - 3/4" pine board top
- with a 2' x 4'  - 1/4" acrylic protector on top -
and I'm in business with my new sewing desk! 
Now, where's that Babylock Evolve?  Oh, there it is...